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wellness with Alicia

Alicia (health coach, massage therapist, pilates instructor, meat head-hippie) explores a wide range of topics related to women's health, intuitive eating, exercise, life after sport, CrossFit, relationships, mindset, and a whole lot of random, yet seemingly important topics that distracts Alicia in her day to day life. Wellness with Alicia covers these topics in a thoughtful, exploratory, and sometimes comedic format. ie. owning and running a business, finding peace with food and exercise, her current favourite things, and why she can't start her day without a good cup of coffee. Whether it's deep diving into: Body Goals, Fitness Culture, Fat Loss, Health, Food Freedom, Pop Culture, the Dogma of Diet Culture and the Anti-Diet Movement, her love-hate relationship for social media, why she's not sure about having kids and moving to the suburbs, or talking about the ups and downs of starting and running a business as a solopreneur. Alicia aims to talk about heavy topics, light topics, share her own lived experiences, while acknowledging that as someone in her mid 30's, she has a lot to share (so many thoughts, so little time) and a lot to learn! Beyond these topics, Alicia is also a Registered Massage Therapist, Pilates instructor, and  has her own online Health Coaching business (Wellness with Alicia) helping women build their physiques without extremes. You can expect Alicia to share her honest struggles as a mid-30-something living in Vancouver, and topics that are taking up way too much brain space. Alicia hopes to bring something a little different to the health and fitness spaces. By speaking about these topics in a unique, conversational, and sometimes humorous way, she hopes to offer up value, provide some education, and perhaps a different point of view. 

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